Next-Gen AI-driven Energy Management Energy Efficiency Energy Flexibility Energy Intelligence

Save Energy in Cooling, Heating and Ventilation NOW

Unlock up to 60% savings on energy costs of your industrial supply system with etaONE®. Our intelligent, data- and AI-driven approach delivers significant cost and CO2 reductions swiftly and effortlessly across various sectors, from data centers to industrial quarters.


Energy data, device states and influencing factors


Big-scale time series data with data quality improvements


Energy systems as digital twins with parameters estimation


Future system states and energy demands



Control trajectories considering multiple influence factors



Operation of plants considering dynamic energy markets

Why etalytics?

Energy Systems EFFICIENT at a MAX

Energy Demand

Improve energy efficiency and reduce peak loads.

CO2 Emissions

Save resources and reduce CO2 emissions.


Lower energy costs and grid usage fees.


Help the energy management team to do more in less time.

in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Navigate Complexities and Thrive in a Dynamic Energy Management Sector

Preparing for Tomorrow:
Overcoming Industry Challenges

Increasing Technical Complexity

Challenging Economic & Regulatory Landscape

Personnel Resources

Innovation at its core

Leading Experts in Energy Intelligence Solutions

0 +

Years of research and passion


Awards won

0 +


0 %

Average Energy cost savings per project

We bring together
what together belongs
at State of the Art

Synergistic Fusion

IIoT & Data

Leverage the power of interconnected devices and real-time data analytics to enhance operational decision-making and efficiency in the industrial landscape.


Experience the convergence of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, unlocking innovative solutions that automate and optimize energy management processes.

Energy Science & Engineering

Discover the synergy between robust scientific principles and cutting-edge engineering, paving the way for sustainable and technologically advanced energy systems.

What our customers and partners say​


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Contact us today to schedule a personalized consultation with our experts and embark on a journey towards a more efficient and greener future.